Leader’s Help Desk

Most of us don’t like to read “instruction manuals” and sometimes that leads to a mistake! I thank God for those who have spoken to my life through His Word, study, and experience. The dos and the don’ts. 

By listening, I’ve learned new methods, steps, and encouragement to not be weary in “His work” but keep going in my walk with Him and His plan. The “Leaders Help Desk” is where you and I can journey together. Both of us can be inspired and guided by the truths of this Help Desk. 

I Will Bless The Lord
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

I Will Bless The Lord

We read scriptures and they sound so good, and we believe them BUT at times in our lives, they are the very words we build and hold onto each day.  This scripture is perhaps one that changes our perspective, our attitude and how we live more than any other in this season. Let’s look at an overview of David who wrote Psalm 34. Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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How Do I Accept?
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

How Do I Accept?

Acceptance can be difficult. We are here to share the good news, give the truth in love and help others change their lives. It seems “sin” is revealed in different ways today. We see more crime and evil, and we do believe the enemy knows his time is short and he is working overtime to kill and destroy. Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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The Real You
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

The Real You

It seems like the "Real You" keeps changing in each season. Maybe it is because I have faced many seasons and God keeps teaching me how to look at my life and His plan. We know we learn through our experiences, our survival, and persistence in what we face. God has good, pleasing, and perfect plans for His children. He wants us to be transformed people with renewed minds, living to honor and obey Him. Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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Life or Death
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Life or Death

As a leader, I have been thinking about how at times we lose our perspective on “True Life”. We can go through each day going through the motions even dreading what we must do. Even as Christ followers and leaders, at times we need to reevaluate, “am I living my life to the fullest or have I allowed myself to speak and think death over my dreams?” Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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“Let’s Stop”
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

“Let’s Stop”

This is the craziest thing to say “Let’s Stop”, especially at this time of year. We have shopping, programs, wrapping, visiting and the list goes on and on. I know we have forty people in our families, and it can be very busy. I am going to share some practical steps from my heart as a mama and grandma. Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline.

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Get Your Jar, You Have a Legacy
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Get Your Jar, You Have a Legacy

We have been sharing about God’s people and their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. We have seen how God led them, spoke to them and how they missed the promise because of their complaining and unbelief. Today I am going to share how God was very concerned that their godly legacy would go from generation to generation. Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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I Don’t Like the Test
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

I Don’t Like the Test

Probably when you think about school, you did not like “test day” especially if you had not studied like you needed or paid attention in class! The test would show how we had paid attention and what we had learned. As we look at our lives, we can see continued blessing but also continued testing. Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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Stand Beside Me
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Stand Beside Me

This month I am going to especially talk to you women, or mates that stand beside your leader companions. This does not mean you are not leaders in your own right, but many could feel like they are in second place or maybe have no place. We look at pastor’s wives, leader’s wives, maybe some co-pastors or leaders but being behind the scenes they are in the spotlight. That seems good but it can be very difficult. What does the Bible say about this? Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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Will He Do It Again?
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Will He Do It Again?

As we have been following God’s children in the wilderness, He again requires trust and obedience. These seem like simple words but when they are faced with having no water in Exodus 16, they begin to grumble and complain. They did not trust God to guide them. That means we can question; Will He do it again? He will provide what is needed, when it is needed. Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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Panic Or Progress 
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Panic Or Progress 

We have been studying how God led His people out of slavery and bondage from Egypt. From the beginning, it didn’t make sense (one wilderness to another), but God reminded them of His power and plan. It seemed like a strange path, taking years instead of an eleven-day journey. What was their choice now? Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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Strange Path
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Strange Path

Many times, what we think in the natural is not God’s plan. We want to “fix it” or “make things happen” but I realize I can do what I can do but He does what I cannot do. We plan but He orders our steps. We are living this at this very moment. I learn it repeatedly. He always has the “Supernatural” plan. Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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Don’t Forget It
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Don’t Forget It

Are memories important? Yes, unfortunately, sometimes we remember the memories we should forget, and forget the memories we should remember. How can we not forget our past and move forward in his miracles? Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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It Does Not Make Sense
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

It Does Not Make Sense

We as believers have experienced a day of deliverance – the day we were delivered from spiritual death and slavery to sin. Now we are on a new journey as his children and servants of the most High God. This journey may take you to many places you never imagined. Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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The Next Step
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

The Next Step

When I think of ministry, I think of preparing sermons, praying, visiting the sick, and preaching. We did that for over 50 years. In fact, I remember a time we prepared three sermons weekly plus bible studies. Yes, it was work and rewarding. However, I think perhaps we can miss the next steps at times. Read this lesson to learn more about the steps of making disciples and to watch the SHORT LESSON VIDEO!

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Is It Too Much? Part 2
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Is It Too Much? Part 2

I’m following up on Lesson One for this year…Is it too much? As we continue in the New Year, we re-evaluate what we have done, what we feel “has been successful” and where do I go from here? Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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 Is It Too Much?
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

 Is It Too Much?

I am not sure of your position whether in business, family, or ministry, but you are carrying the flag as a leader! Every man and woman needs to have the heart of a warrior who will run forward and never turn back. We must take responsibility for our call, and role in the kingdom here on earth. Click READ MORE to finish reading this outline and WATCH THE SHORT VIDEO LESSON!

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Remember Your Youth
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Remember Your Youth

The last few months we have gone through Ecclesiastes learning lessons from King Solomon. We are in the Christmas season and one of the wonderful blessings is to watch our children, grandchildren and children enjoy family, fun in giving and receiving gifts. The atmosphere changes when there are children and/or youth.  

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Sharpen Your Tools
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Sharpen Your Tools

In the work of God, sometimes we expect to build but we have not taken an inventory of our tools and we try to do the project alone without people to help us. They may come to help but if they do not know what to do and how to do the project, again we waste our time and their time. Maybe this is one of the most important lessons in this series. Do you recognize the right tools, and do you have them to get the job done? Let’s look at Ecclesiastes 10!

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One Chance
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

One Chance

Life goes so quickly, maybe not to the youth, but the older we are, it seems to fly by. Even if we live to be “old” it seems there are things we wish we could have done. But we have ONE LIFE and one big CHANCE to change our world.

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My Reputation
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

My Reputation

It seems these days, people who are to be the most “looked up to” or admired are the “beautiful or handsome.” The most successful are those with fame and fortune. I think we worry too much, even as leaders, about “what we do”. WHO are we? What is Solomon telling us in Ecclesiastes 7?

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