Strange Path


For the past two lessons we have begun a journey with God’s people as they left Egypt to go toward the Promised Land.  In Exodus 12, we talked about his instructions. Many times, as we get only the first steps we are to take, “It does not make sense” in the natural. Then God told them in Exodus 13:3 “Don’t Forget to remember and establish the Festival of the Unleavened Bread.”  Today we are going to talk about their journey, not 11 days but for 40 years!

Many times, what we think in the natural is not God’s plan.  We want to “fix it” or “make things happen” but I realize I can do what I can do but He does what I cannot do.  We plan but He orders our steps.  We are living this at this very moment.  I learn it repeatedly.  He always has the “Supernatural” plan. 

Let’s look at Exodus 13:17-22. Verse 17-18 when Pharaoh finally let the people go, God did not lead them along the main road that runs through Philistine territory, even though that was the shortest route to the Promised Land.  God said, “If the people are faced with a battle, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.”  So God led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness toward the Red Sea.  Thus the Israelites left Egypt like an army ready for battle.


 Verse 17 God did not lead them along the main road even though it was the shortest route.

I like short cuts. I am a busy “person” and I like what looks like the “easiest way.” I keep learning the easiest is not always the best, His way is best.

A. God Works His Way

God doesn’t always work in the way that seems best for us.  He took them a longer route to avoid fighting with the Philistines.  This also was a road heavily guarded by Egypt.

B. God Heard Their Complaining 

How easy it is to not like the plan.  It seems too difficult, takes more time, more money and we get discouraged.  We must take step by step. We must follow Him willingly and trust Him to lead us safely around unseen obstacles.

C.  God Sees The End  

Our Father sees the beginning and the end of our journey, and He knows how to take us there, the best route.


Verse 21 The Lord went ahead of them.

A. God Led Them Out Of Egypt Just As He Had Promised

God’s rescue doesn’t always come the moment we want it.  God promised to bring the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt (Genesis 15:16, 46:3,4).  The people had waited a long time for that promises to be kept but God rescued them when he knew the right time had come.  

God spoke to Moses from an unexpected source, a burning bush. God may use unexpected sources when communicating to us too, whether people, thoughts, or experiences.  

God reminded Moses of his covenant promises to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3; 15, 17) Isaac (Genesis 26:2-5), and Jacob (Genesis 28:13-15) and used the name I AM to show His unchanging nature.

GOD KNOWS THE BEST TIME TO ACT.  When you feel that God has forgotten you in your troubles, remember that God has not forgotten you.

When God has the plan, he will take us the best route at the best time.

B. God Continued To Show His Power And Love. 

When we are listening, obeying and being subject to “His way”, remember He will continue to show His power and love.  When we feel “this can’t be right, I’ve been faithful,” and we ask the question, “Why, God, I don’t understand,” He will show up! Why do we worry when He is leading us?  

God has shown His love from the beginning, the more we follow and build our love relationship, the more we understand His plan, power, and love.


Verse 21 He guided them during the day with a PILLAR OF CLOUD, and he provided light at night with a PILLAR OF FIRE. This allowed them to travel day or by night. 

These were examples of God appearing in a physical form.  

A. God Lit Israel’s Path

He protected them from their enemies, provided reassurance, controlled their movements, and inspired the zeal they should have for their God.

B. God Manifested His Presence 

The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night never left the people.  He proved he had the plan and was with them.

Sometimes it seems we are walking in the darkness of our situation, but we must follow Him willingly.  He sees what is ahead and knows the safest, most effective route.  

CONCLUSION: I do not know what path you are taking.  Maybe your path may seem strange or like a roundabout that takes you where you are not sure of your destination.  God is in control.

What has God given us so that we can have the same assurance?  The Bible- something the Israelites did not have.  He also has given us the Holy Spirit to remind us of what the Bible says and to guide us each day (John 14:26).  Look to God’s Word for reassurance of His presence.  We can look daily to know He is with us, helping us on our journey.

Verse 22 And the Lord did not remove the pillar of cloud or pillar of fire from its place in front of the people.  In that season, this was His way of guiding them.  In this season, He is still guiding His people and will always give us what is needed in every moment we face.



Panic Or Progress 


Don’t Forget It