Panic Or Progress 


We have been studying how God led His people out of slavery and bondage from Egypt. From the beginning, it didn’t make sense (one wilderness to another), but God reminded them of His power and plan.  It seemed like a strange path, taking years instead of an eleven-day journey. What was their choice now?

Panic or Progress? They needed to trust in God and His word.  Of course, they had been given instructions and could only take a day at a time.  Sound familiar? We are in a New Year and have been given instructions, but we must take a step and day at a time.  They were free from Pharoah and was protected by the pillar of cloud and light at night with a pillar of fire.  However, in Exodus 14 they were trapped in the wilderness and Pharoah and his army were chasing them. Six hundred Egyptian war chariots were bearing down on the helpless Israelites, who were trapped between the mountains and the sea.  The war chariots each carried two people-one to drive and to fight.  These were the armored tanks of Bible times but even their power was no match for God, who destroyed both the chariots and their soldiers. What happens when we feel trapped?


V1-3 Then the Lord gave these instructions to Moses. Order the Israelites to turn back and camp by Ph-hahiroth between Migdol and the sea. Camp there along the shore, across from Baal-zephon. Then Pharaoh will think, “The Israelites are confused. They are trapped in the wilderness! And once again I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will chase after you.”

Why would I be trapped? I have just been delivered and it is a new day, a new challenge, and a new plan.

V10 As Pharaoh approached, the people of Israel looked up and panicked when they saw the Egyptians overtaking them. 

  • Face the new day.

The Israelites thought they were doomed. After watching God’s powerful hand deliver them from Egypt, their only response was fear, whining, and despair. Where was their trust in God?  How is our trust in God?

  • Don’t panic.

By focusing on God’s faithfulness in the past, we can face crises with confidence rather than with fear and complaining.


I’ve learned “Conflict” is inevitable. 

  • People will complain.

V11-12 And they said to Moses, “why did you bring us out here to die in the                wilderness? Weren’t there enough graves for us Egypt? What have you done to us? Why did you make us leave Egypt?” Didn’t we tell you this would happen while we were still in Egypt? We said, “leave us alone! Let us be slaves to the Egyptians. It’s better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness!”

If you are in normal circumstances and especially in ministry for any time, you find people do not see your vision, understand, and will begin their own reasons why “we are here” and what “we should do”. 

  • Complaining can lead to despair.

V13 Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today.”

Fear begins to take over. One of my favorite statements is: “As long as you look at your problem and others – you will fear. When you look to God, faith begins to take over instead of fear.”


Sometimes we must encourage ourselves and share with others who will stand with us.

  • Moses gave encouragement.

V13 “Don’t be afraid.”

These are powerful words. Many times, we need to be rescued maybe from our own negative thoughts, or maybe from our situation or people.

If anyone can rescue us, it is our Lord who has rescued us from the beginning and set us on the right path.

  • Focus on God’s faithfulness.

Christ followers do complain. How often do we find ourselves complaining over inconveniences of discomforts? They were about to learn some tough lessons. Had they trusted in God, they would have been spared much grief.

He has and will come through for you again and again. It must always be our trust in the “almighty one.” He comes through every time.

  • Move into action.

V15 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!”

As a leader, you are called to pray, listen, and move ahead. Yes, it can be     scary. There is a lot of water before us and an army behind us! God’s directions must be followed, our enemy will tumble, fall and He will clear the path to take.  Take those steps, and then there will be instructions for tomorrow.

Do not panic, God is leading. There was the second time Moses raised his hand over the sea.  All the enemies were drowned, and all Israel saw the mighty power of God.


V4 I have planned this in order to display my glory through Pharaoh and his whole army. After this the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord!

V18 When my glory is displayed through them, all Egypt will see my glory and know that I am the Lord!

V31 When the people of Israel saw the mighty power that the Lord had unleashed against the Egyptians, they were filled with awe before him. They put their faith in the Lord and in his servant Moses.

From the beginning God had the plan, He would display His glory to the whole world at that time.

  • There was no other way.

The Bible states that the Lord “opened a path through the water with a strong east wind turning the seabed into dry land.” Also, the water was deep enough to cover the chariots. The God who created the earth and water performed a mighty miracle at exactly the right time to demonstrate His great power and love for His people.

  • The darkest moment gives God the greatest opportunity to show up.

They were trapped.  When we feel there is no way, or trapped, as we trust God, He has the opportunity to move the waters or whatever we are facing. 


We will receive our orders, move forward and we can feel trapped. But God took Moses’s character and molded him until he was suited to His purposes.

God will prepare us for the task, and we can use our abilities and strengths to do His will.  Was Moses perfect? No, but God prepares and does His greatest work.

Don’t panic, move forward. The Lord told Moses to stop praying and get moving! Prayer must have a vital place in our lives, but there is also a place of action.  Sometimes we know what to do, but we pray for more guidance as an excuse to postpone doing it. Will he give us more instructions if we have not done what He has given to us? If we know what we should do, then it is time to get moving. 

Move forward.  There must always be progress, then a miracle will happen. People will be in awe and God will be glorified.

REFLECT: What steps has God given to you in this New Year? How can you use your abilities and strengths to do His will? What needs to be done on my journey?

PRAY:  God, I know you have the plan for me, and where I need to go.  Please help me to listen, follow and not panic or be afraid to take steps to see your will done in our lives. I am sorry when I have not listened or obeyed your words.  This is a new day and help me to “surrender all”!



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Strange Path