Africa Updates

Sixteen years ago I made my first visit to Africa. God laid on my heart the idea that I had to return to help those in need spiritually and physically.  In addition to my travels there, I stay in touch to encourage and provide financial assistance for those in need. It’s a privilege to be the East Africa Field Director for the Pentecostal Church of God. I have a specific interest in Tanzania, Burundi, Kenya and other nearby countries, who attend my conferences, having built lasting relationships. In this section you will find real-time specific reports and updates on what God is doing in East Africa and beyond. This is a great opportunity for individuals and Church congregations to participate financially and in prayer to help meet their needs.

First Global Conference
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

First Global Conference

After many years of planning and preparation, we met in Manaus, Brazil with missionaries and leaders from twenty-three countries. God had placed a burden in my heart to help Bishops from Africa to travel to this conference. Click READ MORE for the full update!

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November 20, 2020

Greetings from Karen Ming, Field Representative East Africa.

As we continue to see changes taking place in our nation and around the world, we see our Africa bishops and leaders walking the walk of faith.  Many have been shut down as we have and had to change methods to minister to their churches and leaders. Even many of had to believe God to help feed their people. I want to thank our leaders in Dallas that have helped many bishops by sending money for food. I also want to thank those of you that continue to support me monthly and with special gifts. This helps me to provide for food, projects and help in many ways.



I continue to work with Bishop Nyatuka to move forward.  I know the building of new churches has been stopped but Bishop continue to support and encourage his pastors.  Also they are reaching out continually to help those who need food and supplies. 



Our PCG church in Kibaha has completed their roof which is a major accomplishment.  There is more to finish the building but we are believing this will take place soon.  There has been a wonderful fellowship together of all the pastors in Tukuyu.  



Bishop Aime continues to work on his new church and has put in bathrooms and now is believing for new chairs and to finish the building. This is a dream coming true over the past six years. I am so proud of his faithfulness to continue to believe and work as God provides.



Even during this difficult time, God has provided, and they have built three churches, in Butiza, Thendo and Kalua Church. Also, they have been able to put six roofs on buildings. They have continued to have a Leadership Seminar at Mnodzi.

I continually am in contact with the Districts of Congo. I get reports from Bishop Mutombo and he is continually traveling and ministering. Please pray for Bishop Nablera from the North District of Congo. I get reports from Bishop Selly from Ghana. They continue to see victory in their churches and fellowship.  

I count it an honor to work with each country and Bishop of Africa. I am encouraged by their faith, dedication, and commitment to our Lord and PCG. PCG is moving forward in our Africa countries.  

Please pray for our Bishops, Pastors and congregations. There are many needs, but God uses people like you with a heart for One Mission, One Movement.