First Global Conference


After many years of planning and preparation, we met in Manaus, Brazil with missionaries and leaders from twenty-three countries.  God had placed a burden in my heart to help Bishops from Africa to travel to this conference.  My district, Southern California caught the vision and gave so generously for Africa to be well represented.  We had representatives and Bishops from five countries and two could not attend. 

Here are a couple of testimonies from two bishops:

Bishop David Azenabor from Nigeria:

Quote: “First of all, I was impacted by the thousands of youth that were in attendance and the level of their involvement and participation in the conference.  It means that the future of the Brazilian church is great.

Secondly, I was impacted by the zeal and cry of the Brazilian PCG Church for revival.

Thirdly, the messages preached on the HARVEST has reassured my commitment for the harvest.”

Bishop Fafalie Selly from Ghana:

“The Global Conference, 2022 was a success and has tremendously impacted my life and ministry.  I returned home from Brazil well fired up for mission and soul winning.  Before we came to Brazil, I had already launched an enlargement campaign so the Global conference has really set me up for greater works.  Thank you for the funds you raised to support our air ticket to and from Brazil.  Long live PCG!”

No words could describe what happened from the time of the opening prayer to the last sermon preached by Bishop Wayman Ming.  Bishop Ming ask Bishops and leaders to set new goals in raise up new ministers, build new churches, and win the harvest.  It was amazing how these leaders shared what God had spoken to them. I believe there will be thousands of souls won, hundreds of ministers and churches added.  One Mission, One Movement going forward!

Thank you to Virgil and Janie Kincaid, the Brazilian team and all of those who participated in the whole setup process. We will never be the same. 


PCG Africa Medical Missions 2023