Karen’s Korner

This is a weekly one minute video devotional to help inspire, engage and remind each of us of God’s presence and what He is able to do when we acknowledge his leadership in our lives. Many times, this devotional will be a resource for pastors, and leaders to use in the development of their sermons and Bible studies.

IN YOUR KORNER: 52 Weekly Devotional Thoughts by Karen Ming: Purchase on Amazon


We try things and it just does not work. We must try again and again. Last week we talked about seeking the Lord and he always answers. It is good to seek when we are in trouble, but always seeking must be our lifestyle. Matthew 7 tells what happens when this is a habit.

KEEP ASKING. “What is your need? Keep asking and you will receive.” Jesus is the one who says, “You will receive if you persist in pursuing God.”

KEEP SEEKING. “Keep seeking and you will find.” The answer is in the “keep seeking”. We can give up when we don’t see the answer.

KNOW HIS HEART. “If we give good gifts to our children, how much more our heavenly Father will give good gifts to those who ask.”

Knowing faith takes faith, focus and follow through. We will be rewarded. Whatever his answer, he will be with us all the way.

REFLECT: What is your need today?

TRUTH: Take heart, keep asking and seeking.

PRAY: We focus on you with expectation.


Everyone is searching for answers. This week, my husband underwent some surgical procedures, and we needed a good answer. We sing a song, “I sought the Lord, he heard, and he answered.” We received a good answer. Psalm 34:4 confirms this statement.

This verse has many translations: "I sought the Lord," "I cried unto the Lord," and "I prayed to the Lord." We have the right and privilege to seek our Lord. And how different it is when you have a relationship with Him. We have faith knowing He is with us and have seen Him answer before.

Sometimes we don’t get the answer we ask for, but whatever the answer, He will be with us and still has a plan. The PTL is: “Listen to my testimony, I cried in my distress, He answered and freed me from my fears.” Additionally, there is a family of God that agrees in prayer. Thank you to everyone who prayed this week.

REFLECT: Do you need an answer?

TRUTH: We ask, He answers.

PRAY: Lord, help all those in need.


There will be times when we find ourselves facing a difficult situation. For me, it is my husband Bill’s upcoming surgery situation. Our outcome is not determined by what we see in the natural but by the supernatural. God is our source. What you (I) are going through is temporary. God’s word will never pass away. Psalm 119:89-96

I WON’T GIVE UP. “Standing firm in the heavens and fastened to eternity is the word of God.” His Word is settled in heaven.

I WON’T FORGET. “Your faithfulness flows from one generation to the next.” I will receive that.

 I AM YOURS. Lord, Bill and I are yours and you are our Savior. Your words have kept us alive.

I don’t know what you are facing today. No matter what you see in the natural, he can move in the supernatural. Life is not about what you are going through but how you go through it.

REFLECT: Do you need to see a supernatural miracle?

TRUTH: Your words bring fantastic freedom to my life.

PRAY: Lord, I believe your word.


It is not E.coli. It is not an Elephant. There are many words that begin with “E” but the big “E” word today is ENCOURAGE. Many times, we don’t know how to be encouraged or give encouragement.  I Thessalonians 5:11 “Speak encouraging words to one another.” This is so important and needed in our daily life.  How can I encourage? 

SPEAK TO YOURSELF. Psalm 139: God created you, loved you and will redeem and restore what has been lost in your life. Encourage yourself. You are God’s creation.

SPEAK TO GOD. Prayer changes things, everything. Ask for help and sensitivity to others’ needs. 

SPEAK TO OTHERS. Start where you are. First encourage your family and those around you. Look for something positive to say.

I have been there, I needed a kind word, a hug and I needed to be appreciated.  You could change someone’s life forever.

REFLECT: Do I need encouragement today?

TRUTH: When I think right, I speak right. Romans 12:2

PRAY: Lord, help me be encouraged and give encouragement.


I admit I have a sweet tooth.  If a cake has frosting layers in the middle and on top, I go straight to the frosting. In Psalm 32, David writes about confession, forgiveness, and repentance. In the middle of this Psalm, verse 7 God has great benefits (the best) when we wholeheartedly surrender to Him. 

GUIDANCE. The Lord says, “I will stay close to you, instructing and guiding you along the way.” “He is our hiding place”.

ADVICE. “I will advise you along the way and lead you forth with my eyes as your guide.” He is our teacher!

WATCHFULNESS. “I will watch over you, don’t make it difficult, just come with me.”

Why do we run from what and who will save us? This has happened since the beginning of creation, and we want to go our way. Instead, accept His Help!

REFLECT: Are you going your own way?

TRUTH: Another benefit, the upright can shout for joy!

PRAY: Lord, I confess my needs, please give me your wonderful benefits.


I have seen miracles or answers to prayer in my life. But if I face a real problem with someone that I care about, I can worry. I am sure you understand. Luke 7:1-10 tells what can happen when we believe God in our problem.

GREAT NEED. “At that time the highly valued slave of a Roman officer was sick and near death.” Up to this point Jesus had dealt with the Jews, now he faced a Gentile in need.

GREAT UNDERSTANDING. “I am not worthy to come and meet you. Just SAY THE WORD from where you are, and my servant will be healed.” What is your need today?

GREAT FAITH. Jesus was amazed, “I have not seen faith like this in all Israel.”

This slave didn’t need Jesus to be present in person. Through this story I knew Jesus could speak the word and he did this for me.

REFLECT: What word do you need to hear from Jesus?

TRUTH: They found the slave healed.

PRAY: Ask Jesus to say the word.


We get in our car, put in our destination and we have the map and time of arrival. We won’t find God in our google maps and he tells how we find him in Matthew 25:31-45. The real evidence is the way we act.

FIND OPPORTUNITIES TO ENGAGE. “Don’t you know when you cared for the least important of these little ones, my brothers and sisters, you did this for me.” He sees everything!

THESE ACTS OF MERCY WE CAN GIVE DAILY. These do not depend on wealth, power, ability or intelligence. They are freely given and received.

WE HAVE NO EXCUSE TO NEGLECT THOSE WITH DEEPER NEEDS. These acts can be done everywhere, giving our time, talent and treasure.

The focus of this parable is that we should love every person and serve anyone we can. This is where we find God.

REFLECT: Do you give your time and service?

TRUTH: Jesus says, “Come you are blessed by your father and will spend eternal life with me.”

PRAY: Open my eyes to see others.


We can think we are not as good as someone else or cannot perform like them. This is not a new problem for Romans 1:16 shows God’s plan of good news, salvation, and life changing power:

TO EVERYONE: “I refuse to be ashamed of sharing the wonderful message of God’s liberating power to everyone for who believes is saved.” I can have the change I am looking for.

TO THE JEW AND GENTILE. The Jews were God’s special people for more than 2000 years and through them the Messiah would come.  God’s plan included the Gentiles, and that includes all of us.

TO MAKE ALL RIGHTEOUS: “This gospel unveils a continual revelation of God’s righteousness (right living) to us when we believe.” 

We can never be good enough, but this good news moves us from receiving life through faith to the power of living by faith. 

REFLECT: Have you felt you were not good enough?

TRUTH: “We are more than conquerors through Christ.”

PRAY: Lord, help us to see ourselves through your eyes.


Maybe you don’t remember sitting in your parents’ lap. I don’t remember, as it’s been a long time. I love holding my great grandchildren in my lap and loving them. What a picture of love and care in Psalm 131.

  1. MEEK. “Lord, my heart is meek before you. My heart is not proud.”

Pride leads to restlessness and dissatisfaction.

  1. HUMBLE. “I am humbled and quieted in your presence.” Humility allows us to be content in Him.

  2. CONTENT. “I am a resting child, and my soul is content in you, like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.”

I don’t know your pain today but sometimes we need that extra love feeling close to someone. When we hold our babies in our lap, they feel loved and secure. When we rest in Him, we feel love and secure.

REFLECT: Do you need Him to hold you?

TRUTH: It is our time to quietly trust now and forever.

PRAY: Lord, I ask you to hold us close to you.


We all want to see miracles, but I think our definition of miracles is different than Gods. I have seen God perform special miracles that “were for me, mine only” that changed my life. The writer of Psalm 119 tells us he saw miracles and they are given all the time.

  1. AWE. “My heart trembles in awe because of your miracle WORDS.” Words change our thoughts and lives forever, sometimes for the good or bad.

  2. JOY. “Your PROMISES are the source of my bubbling joy.” I work hard to create joy, but this is a different joy. We can be happy for the moment.

  3. TREASURE. “The REVELATION of your word thrills me, like one who has discovered hidden treasure.”

Sometimes our “everyday” activities and responsibilities can take away life, our joy, and we need miracles.  When I read God’s word then I can believe for miracles.

REFLECT: Do I need a miracle?

TRUTH: Take what is troubling you, pray and believe in a miracle.

PRAY: I need your miracles in my life.


We talk about new resolutions in the new year, wanting to see the new life in many areas. We make progress but have setbacks or fail. Paul tells us about our new life with Christ in Colossians 3:1-3.

  1. SET YOUR MIND. “Set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things).” Our priorities can be eternal not just temporal.

  2. DO NOT THINK ON JUST EARTHLY THINGS. “Think about the things of heaven not just the things of the earth.”  While we live on earth 24/7, we can do “heavenly thinking” as we have a deeper relationship with our Lord.

  3. LIVE YOUR NEW LIFE. “For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.” 

This truth provides a God perspective. He gives us the power to live this new life.

REFLECT: Do I need to live a new life?

TRUTH: If you mess up, don’t quit or beat yourself up. He is cheering you on. 

PRAY: Lord, let me live close to you.


Maybe you have a relationship with our Lord, yet there are moments you get hit by our enemy.  I had great visits with family, but I had to leave them. Before I could get moving again, I began to feel lonely and isolated. Again, in my quiet time I knew what to do. Ephesians 4:23.

  1. ONE-TIME DECISION. I follow Jesus, the babe in the manger, the crucified Lord and risen Savior. This will be your greatest decision.

  2. DAILY CONSCIOUS COMMITMENT. “Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.” We decide what we are thinking about. God’s word is the most powerful thing on earth.

  3. RIGHT DIRECTION. “Be renewed as you know your creator and become like Him.” Colossians 3:10. We cannot be driven by desire or impulse.

Learning and obeying is a lifelong process. I miss my family.  Also, I learned his guidance and presence I cannot live without.

REFLECT: Have you felt bombarded?

TRUTH: The more I know Christ, the more I am changed.

PRAY: Come Holy Spirit, change my mind and heart.


Maybe you feel like I do when Christmas is over. I love the celebration of our Lord and being with family and friends. The trees get taken down, presents used or put away, and families return home. What I share today will help me and many.  Jesus is our Savior, King, best friend and is alive forevermore.

  1. KEEP FOCUS. Jesus came to give us life abundantly. John 10:10. Life tends to go the way we focus.

  2. RENEW DAILY. And be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Ephesians 3:23. His revelation brings our transformation.

  3. LIVE IN HIS PURPOSE. We may be finding His purpose. Take advantage of every day as you spend time with Him. 

We can be “Up” as we are transformed in our Lord. It is a choice and process and will not automatically happen. 

REFLECT: Are your emotions up and down?

TRUTH: Our minds will normally think wrong unless we renew in His word.

PRAY: We give our emotions to you and will live “up” not “down.”


God gave his greatest gift; Jesus, and Jesus gave his life for all. Now it is our time to give our greatest gift. People give small gifts, and expensive gifts. But our greatest gift is given in Mark 12:30-31.

  1. LOVE GOD. “And you must love the Lord your God with all your hearts, all your soul and all your strength.” This was given in the Old and New Testament and is the greatest commandment.

  2. LOVE WITH ACTION. “Another translation, “Love your God, with every passion of your heart, with the energy of your being, with every thought that is within you, and with your strength.”

  3. LOVE OTHERS. “You must love your neighbor in the same way you love yourself.”

We do not give one gift but continue to grow in loving our God and others.  Don’t worry about what you cannot do but all of us can love God and others.

REFLECT: Have your given God your love?

TRUTH: No commandment is greater than these.

PRAY: Lord, help us develop this love.


Last week we shared how God gave his treasure, his Son and he came as a baby, became a man and gave it all for us. This is the message of Christmas. John 10:17-18

  1. FREELY GIVE. Jesus said, “I freely give my own life.” However, God’s plan for our salvation of the world was under God’s full control.

  2. FREELY SURRENDERED. “I surrender my own life, and no one has power to take it from me.” He was looked upon with prejudice from a human perspective, but Jesus was God but man.

  3. FULLY DESTINED. “I have the authority to lay it down and the power to take it back again. This is my destiny.”

My mind cannot grasp the love, and the sacrifice that our Jesus gave. This season we love, honor and give our love to our Lord and others.

REFLECT: Do you realize how our Lord gave for all?

TRUTH: The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus.

PRAY: Thank you, Lord, for your gift to us.


The greatest gift! With 44 people in our family, I am very aware of giving gifts.  Everyone loves to receive a gift.  I realize again our God, our heavenly Father, gave the best gift to ever be given. Isaiah 9:6-9.

  1. GIVEN. “For a child is born to us, a son is given to us.” In the time of darkness, God promised to send a light who would shine on everyone living in the shadow of death.  

  2. CALLED. “And he will be called the counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” This message of hope was fulfilled in the birth of Christ.

  3. RULER. “He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of David for all eternity.”

The Christmas lights, the music and fellowship are so beautiful. And when you know Jesus, our Savior, Lord and friend it all becomes even more beautiful! 

REFLECT: Have you accepted this greatest gift?

TRUTH: “God so loved the world that He gave his son.”

PRAY: Lord, let me know and enjoy you.


This time of year, we see family and friends that we do not see often. For me, this is a wonderful time of the year. I know many who are hurting, and it can be lonely or sad. Mark 5:25 gives the importance of touch.

  1. HURTING. “Now in the crowd that day, was a woman who suffered horribly from continual bleeding for twelve years.” She pushed through the crowd to touch Jesus’ prayer shawl.

  2. HOPE. “If I can only touch his clothes, I know I will be healed.” She knew her touch would bring His touch.

  3. HEALTH. She threw herself down at Jesus feet, “I was the one who touched you.” Jesus said, “Daughter, your faith has healed you.”

Today I know there are many that need His touch. You could be hurting in many ways, but only in Him do we have hope, healing and health. 

REFLECT: Do you need his touch?

TRUTH: “Go in peace and be free of your suffering.”

PRAY: Lord, touch each one today and bring me healing.


There are many reasons why we should give our greatest thanks to God. I have shared this truth for three weeks. God knows us, is with us and his greatest gift is to allow us to know him. How can we know Him? Psalm 139:23-24.

  1. SEARCH ME. “God, I invite your searching gaze into my heart. Know my heart.” Only God can see our hearts and motives; yet has a plan to restore us.

  2. TEST ME. “Put me to the test and sift through my anxious cares.” God’s test is like no other, and he will sort out what was meant and what was felt.

  3. LEAD ME. “Lead me back to your glorious, everlasting ways, the path that brings me back to you.”

We can have our greatest thanks knowing God. He can be trusted with our heart. He knows us, the real us, and loves us completely.

REFLECT: Are you willing to give him your whole heart?

TRUTH: With His repentance, we continue the path of everlasting life.

PRAY: Lord, please search my heart.


We need to be reminded that we are always worthy in God’s eyes. His character goes into our creation.  When you feel worthless, remember our Master is at work in you. This should be our greatest thanks. Psalm 139: 14-16

  1. DELICATE AND INTRICATE. “You formed my innermost being shaping my delicate inside and my intricate outside weaving them together in my mother’s womb.”  What a miracle.

  2. SKILLFULLY SHAPED. “Your workmanship is marvelous, skillfully shaping me from nothing to something woven in the dark of the womb.”  Thank you, Jesus.

  3. RECORDED AND NUMBERED. “Every day of my life was recorded in your book.” He saw who he created us to be even before I became me.

Maybe this is difficult for you to understand. Our God placed an eternal spirit inside the conceived child within the mother’s womb and sends a guardian angel to watch over him or her.

REFLECT:  Do you feel unworthy?

TRUTH: “God, it amazes me how thoroughly you know me.”

PRAY: Lord, help me understand I am worthy in your eyes.

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