Karen’s Korner

This is a weekly one minute video devotional to help inspire, engage and remind each of us of God’s presence and what He is able to do when we acknowledge his leadership in our lives. Many times, this devotional will be a resource for pastors, and leaders to use in the development of their sermons and Bible studies.

IN YOUR KORNER: 52 Weekly Devotional Thoughts by Karen Ming: Purchase on Amazon


Life’s problems can drain us, and it makes our joy and laughter disappear. Psalm 126 is a celebration of the exiles return from captivity.  The times of grief will end, and He will bring that joy again.

  1. BONDAGE. “It was like a dream come true when you freed us from bondage and brought us back to Zion.” What do you need him to bring back in your life?

  2. LAUGHTER. “We laughed and laughed and overflowed with gladness and joy.” Our heavenly father wants us to laugh and have his joy.

  3. SONG. “Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy.” God will give you a new song.

God has the ability to restore life beyond understanding. Even grief is not a permanent condition. Our tears can be seeds that will grow into a harvest of joy.

REFLECT: Do you need to laugh again?

TRUTH: God is the only one who brings good out of tragedy.

PRAY: Lord, help me trust you for true joy and laughter.


If you have children who have played any kind of sports, you know how important it is to be chosen to be on the right side (team). Probably David wrote this after his defeat of the Philistines. Psalms 124 shows how thankful he was that God was on his side.

  1.  SWALLOWED UP. “If God was not on my side, our enemies would have swallowed us.” Have you ever felt trapped by overwhelming odds?

  2. SWEPT AWAY. “The waters would have swept us away, a torrent overwhelmed us.” We can feel we are drowning in our despair.

  3. DEFENDED. For the same God who made everything, our creator, he himself is our helper and defended us.

This Psalm shows how there is no hope without our God. He is always on our side, will defend us and no problem is beyond his ability to solve.

REFLECT: Do you know He is on your side today?

TRUTH: “The trap is broken, and we are free.”

PRAY: Help me to trust that You are on my side.


Sleep can be a big concern. There are those who have trouble sleeping and those who can sleep anytime or anywhere. Maybe you are a mom with a tiny one and sleeping eight hours seems impossible.  And we know as humans we must have our sleep and rest. However, our God, never sleeps so he can take care of us all the time and anywhere. Psalm 121.

  1. TRUE HELP AND PROTECTION. “This comes only from the Lord who made heaven and the earth.” Sounds like He is capable.

  2. GUIDANCE. “He will guard and guide me, never letting me stumble or fall.” What a promise!

  3. KEEPER. “God is my keeper; he will never forget or ignore me.”

Not only is our God always awake and alert, but powerful and watching over us. Nothing diverts or deters him as he watches untiringly over us.

REFLECT: Do you need this help?

TRUTH: “The Lord watches as you come and go.”

PRAY: Lord, thank you for watching over me twenty-four hours.


Have you ever felt like your life has been sucked out of you? Maybe you have given till it seemed there was no more to give.  Maybe there was something happened or a loss that you needed a transfusion of life. The writer in Psalm 119:153-160 describes how he felt.

  1. REDEEM ME. “Lord, look upon my misery, take my side and redeem me.”  There are times when we need total redemption.

  2. REVIVE ME. “Revive me just as you promised you would.”

From the beginning of time, our heavenly father has breathed life into his creation.

3. BREATHE INTO ME. “So, in your tender kindness, breathe life into me again.” 

Many times, we can feel, “I need my life back.” We have the precious Holy Spirit living in us and He can revive and refresh us.

REFLECT: Do you feel lifeless today?

TRUTH: Verse 156. “Lord, how great is your mercy, let me be revived.”

PRAY: Lord, I need that fresh breath of heaven to refresh my spirit.


There are times I have lived from one difficult time “a disaster” to the next. But this will not last as we realize He is with us all the time coming to our aid. I have sent this scripture to people in distress. Psalm 119:145-152

  1. MORNING. “Before the day dawns I’ll be crying out for help. I put my hope in your words. I am not alone.”

  2. NIGHT. “I stay awake through the night thinking about your promises.” Instead of counting sheep we can thank Him for what he has done and will do.

  3.  ALWAYS. “God, you are near me always, so close to me. All your commands are true.”

We need to encourage ourselves when we feel God is far away or we are crying out for help. The writer says, “I know your love is real for me. Breathe your life into me again.”

REFLECT: Do you know he is always nearby?

TRUTH: Your word is established forever.


When you are in public, people can look so sad. People are busy, running here and there! I decided, “I’m going to smile at those I don’t know.” Maybe they need a smile. Can we imagine our Lord smiling at us? Psalm 119:129-136.

  1. BREAK OPEN. “Break open your word within me until your revelation shines out.” When we have an open heart, we get insight into his plans.

  2. TURN YOUR HEART. “Turn your heart to me, Lord and show me your grace.” We are saved by grace, but we can accomplish so much when we realize His grace gives us the power.

  3. SMILE. “Smile on me, your loving servant, look upon me with love, teach me your decrees.” He is loving and we can receive his approval.

We don’t realize the mercy and grace that is given daily. I believe He smiles as we obey him.

REFLECT: Do you need His special smile today?

TRUTH: Psalm 4:6 Let your face smile on us, Lord.

Pray: I need your smile in my life.

Make it stand out

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


Many know how wonderful it is to find “Mr. or Miss Right”. We use the term “I’m falling in love.” Real love means a person is important, and we enjoy knowing and building that relationship. The writer gives why we can love our Lord in Psalm 119:121-128.

  1. I YEARN FOR MORE. “As a lovesick lover, I yearn for more of your salvation and promises.” Is this our goal?

  2. I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU. “Let me feel your tender love, for I am yours. I need understanding of your ways, to know more about you.” This speaks of great relationships.

  3. I NEED DISCERNMENT. “Give discernment to me, your servant then I will understand your laws.”

As I read this passage, I want to spend time with my Father and in His word. I can fall in love with the lover of my soul.

REFLECT: Do you want more in your relationship with Christ?

TRUTH: “Your word and truth is always right and beautiful to me.”

PRAY: Lord, help me love you more daily.


When we travel and fly, we are told “safety is our game.” The writer in Psalm 119:105-112 tells us to walk safely, we need light. This is our heavenly Father’s promise and benefits.  

  1. LAMP. “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet.” We walk through a dark forest of evil!

  2. LIGHT. “Your word is a light which guides me in my choices and decisions.” We won’t stumble as we walk in His light.

  3. TREASURE. “Everything you say to me is like a joyous treasure filling my life with gladness.”

God’s word reveals the entangling roots of false values and philosophies. That’s why we can study the Bible so we can stay on the right path. I have seen God’s light that brought safety to my life.

REFLECT: Do you need God’s light to guide you?

TRUTH: V 111 “Your laws are my heart’s delight.”

PRAY: Lord, show me your light as I read your word. I do not have to fear but know I am safe.


I am from West Virginia, and I remember the bee hives and the honey was the best. In Psalm 119:97-104 the writer shares his love for God’s word and how sweet are His promises.

  1. GRACED WITH UNDERSTANDING. “You have given me more understanding and graced me with insight”.  We do need understanding and insight in the day we live.

  2. LOVE YOUR WORDS. “For you yourself have taught me to love your words”.  When we love God’s word our lives will change.

  3. SWEETER THAN HONEY. “How sweet are your promises, sweeter than honey is your revelation-light”. 

We hear people say, “I have a sweet tooth”. I like desserts or that which is sweet. The writer says, “God’s words can bring delight, satisfaction, a pleasant taste, just as a natural dessert.”

REFLECT: How do you feel about God’s word?

TRUTH: Verse 10 “How sweet are your living promises to me”.

PRAY: Lord, I want us to know the sweetness of your promises.


I have been told to “never quit” all through my life and I have told this to others. We have been declaring weekly that there is so much power and life in God’s word. So many try to do life on their own. Psalm 119:89-96 gives us the faith in God’s word.

  1. I DIDN’T GIVE UP. “Because your words are my deepest delight, I didn’t give up when all else was lost”.

  2. I CAN NEVER FORGET. “The profound revelations you’ve taught me, these have kept me alive”. We must realize that life is in His word.

  3. I’M ALL YOURS. “You are my Savior”.

Even perfection has its limits, but your commands have no limits. They give life and bring fantastic freedom into our lives. There is never a reason to quit.

REFLECT:  Have you felt like giving up?

TRUTH: “Your faithfulness flows from one generation to the next”.

PRAY: Lord, I will never quit, you are my source.


Are you worn out? I know this is summer and children are home trying to stay busy: there are sports, trips and life can become so busy. Of course, we have technology filling our minds with so much information. How much time do you spend on your phone every day? We have changed how we do “life”. The writer of Psalm 119:81-86 felt this way but knew who to call on.

1. WORN OUT. “I am worn out waiting for your rescue, but I have hope in your word”. We need more than human rest!

2. USELESS AND FORGOTTEN. “My soul feels dry and shriveled, useless and forgotten but I will never forget your living truth”.

3. HARASSED. “Arrogant men harass me with their lies”.

This could sound like “it’s over”, why should I try? We can live according to God’s word and be revived. There is always an answer for you.

REFLECT: Are you worn out?

PRAY: Lord, when I am worn out, I lean on you for strength.

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Have you ever felt your life was gloomy and void?  I have felt that way but when I read God’s word, I became alive again. Psalms 119:65-72 paint a picture of what happens when we love the word.

  1. I BELIEVED. “Your extravagant kindness makes me want to follow your words. I believe in your true commands”. This is a true treasure.

  2. I AM HUMBLED. “Before I was humbled, I used to wander astray. But now I see the wisdom of your words”. What an amazing confession and transparency.

  3. I AM PASSIONATE. “I am passionate to follow all that you say”. My life has been changed because of His word.

I encourage you; open God’s word and see His treasures. “The words He speaks to us are worth more than all the riches and wealth in the whole world”. These are true treasures.

REFLECT: Do you need some true treasures?

TRUTH: Proverbs 3:14 As God’s wisdom increases, a great treasure is imparted. 

PRAY: Lord, teach me the power of your wonderful words.


Many people are devoted to many things. True devotion means love, loyalty or enthusiasm for a person, action or cause. Psalm 119:51-64 tells us what happens when we are devoted to our Lord.

  1. SATISFACTION. “You are my satisfaction Lord, you are mine”. Satisfaction is what we desire, and true satisfaction comes when we love our Lord.

  2. ALL I NEED. “You are all I need, and I promise to obey your words”. This is our key, and He becomes the great “I am” of all we need.

  3. REVELATION LIGHT. “I will give my all (devotion) to follow your revelation-light”. When I realize I am going astray I will turn back to obey you.

If we need direction and we fail, then we know He is all we need, and His light gives us our next steps. We see His love and care everywhere.

REFLECT: To whom do you give your devotion?

TRUTH: “I am the way, the truth and the life.” John 14:6

PRAY: Lord, help me be totally devoted to you.


We live in a society where there is no restraint. People say, “Do what you want, what you feel like”. Real freedom comes as we obey God’s laws. Psalm 119:41-48 says our Savior keeps all His promises. 

  1. I CAN ANSWER. “I’ll always have an answer for those who mock me because I trust in your word”. Who needs answers? Of course, all of us.

  2. I WILL RELY. “May I never forget your truth, for I rely on your precepts”. His truth is our only hope. I cannot rely on my knowledge and abilities.

  3. I WILL WALK. In our journey, “I will walk in complete freedom for I seek to follow every command”.

Contrary to the world’s philosophy, obeying God’s laws does not inhibit or restrain us. By seeking God in salvation, we are free from guilt and have freedom to fulfill His plan daily.

REFLECT: What is your view of God’s word?

TRUTH: John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.

PRAY: Lord, help me understand your word which brings freedom.


This week in the United States we celebrated July 4th as a day of freedom. We celebrate those who have paid the price to have our freedom as a nation.  I want to thank my Lord who paid the ultimate price so I can be free. Paralyzed to freedom in Luke 5.

  1. CARRIED BY FRIENDS. “Some men came to Jesus carrying a paraplegic man on a stretcher”. These were his friends.

  2. FORGIVEN BY JESUS. “Seeing the demonstration of their faith, Jesus said, “my friend, your sins are forgiven”. Only Jesus can forgive your past and all your sins.

  3. HEALED BY JESUS. “I say to you now, stand up.  Carry your stretcher and go home for you are healed (free to walk)”.

Our greatest freedom comes when we recognize we need freedom from sin. Go to our Lord, and you will become free at last!

REFLECT: Do you need to be set free?

TRUTH: He stood up, picked up his stretcher and went home.

PRAY: Lord, on this freedom weekend, I receive your freedom.


All of us need help in many ways and in different times. God chose Israel through Abraham to help his people because he wanted to help.  Because of failure, God had to punish them. Now all believers are God’s chosen people, and we share in His help in Isaiah 41.

  1. I AM WITH YOU. “Don’t be afraid, I am with you”.  When He is with us, we can have His peace in all situations.

  2. I AM YOUR GOD. “Don’t be discouraged for I am your God”. God, our father has established a relationship with us.

  3. I WILL HELP YOU. “Don’t be afraid, I am here to help you”.

God gives us assurance of His strength, help, and victory over sin and death. God embraces His plan in all generations. There is no problem that is too big for our God.

REFLECT: Are you aware of all the ways God can help you?

TRUTH: Verse 10 “I will hold you with my victorious right hand”.

PRAY: Lord, I reach out for your help today.


Everywhere we turn there are advertisements on how to make us more beautiful on the outside.  We want to look as good as we can, but I love I Peter 3, which tells us many ways to be beautiful on the inside and it does show on the outside!

  1. STOP. “Whoever wants to embrace true life and find beauty in each day must STOP speaking evil, hurtful words.” Life and death are in the power of the tongue.

  2. CULTIVATE. “Always turn from what is wrong and cultivate what is good.” This is intentional.

  3. PURSUE. “Eagerly pursue peace in every relationship making it your prize.”

We see peace as the absence of conflict and peacemaking as a passing role. As you pursue peace, you build peace as a by-product of commitment. People need to see that peace and inner beauty.

REFLECT: How do you respond to others?

TRUTH: Verse 4 For lasting beauty comes from a gentle and peaceful spirit.

PRAY: Lord, we want true life and beauty as we stop, cultivate, and pursue.

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What a day to reminisce, feel sad and hopefully happy. My father passed away over fifty years ago, and I still miss him.

I had a godly father and perhaps you didn’t. Maybe you don’t know your father and I am sorry. The Scripture is clear how we should treat our fathers.


Psalm 29:1 Honor the Lord, your heavenly beings, honor the Lord for his glory and strength. This is the foundation for all honor!


Ephesians 6:2 Honor your father and mother. This is the first commandment with a promise. To obey is to do as one is told and to honor means to respect and love for a lifetime.


Allow the Holy Spirit to help in this process. If you are a father, do that which will cause your children to honor you. This brings blessings. 

REFLECT: Is this a difficult time for you?

TRUTH: His grace is sufficient to help in all our ways.

PRAY: I pray for all the fathers today.

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