Remember Your Youth

Accompanying lesson video:



The last few months we have gone through Ecclesiastes learning lessons from King Solomon.  We are in the Christmas season and one of the wonderful blessings is to watch our children, grandchildren and children enjoy family, fun in giving and receiving gifts.  The atmosphere changes when there are children and/or youth.  

It is fitting that this lesson is about children and youth.  We take care of their physical needs, but we must teach them Godly principles to build their godly character as they face their call and future.  

When I begin to read about how being young can be exciting and there are big opportunities; I think how I have been there and now I am “older”and that season has passed.  Wait, I believe what the Holy Spirit is telling us, “Yes, your young years have passed but now it is your time to help those sons and daughters who need a spiritual mom and dad!”  I think of my three sons, I nurtured them, loved them, taught them and now I see how God is using them to do the same things!  We can be spiritual moms and dads directing the hearts of our youth!  

Ecclesiastes 11:9 It is wonderful to be young.  Enjoy every minute of it. However, remember that youth, with a whole life before you can be meaningless.


12:1 Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator.  Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, “Life is not pleasant anymore”.

One of my spiritual heroes told us, “God spoke to me, “you have another church, and you are not their pastor”.  God told him to look down to the children and to the youth!  He began to hug them, talk to them, and reach out to them.  That changed his ministry.

Why do our youth sit in the back, come late, leave early and we have no connection?  Maybe we as the “older generation” are not reaching out to understand and train them to not make the same mistakes we made.  

They are not the church of tomorrow; they are the church of today.

  • A life without God can produce bitterness, loneliness and even hopelessness.  

There maybe be times of excitement but these can bring a barrier to a close relationship with God unless they understand themselves and how God loves them.

  • Our choices do matter and can bring irreversible affects.

  • We still give an account to God in every age.  

11:9 Remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do.

I always say, “Everything we do matters.  What I do affects me, my family and friends.”


12:4 Remember him before the door to life’s opportunities is closed and sound of work fades.  

  • Give God your strength, gifts, and talents in this stage of life!

I think so many times we live our lives not realizing every day is His gift to us and others.  I will meet people daily that I will never be able to influence in another time.

  • Some of our greatest decisions are made early in life.

I’ve always said, “One decision can change the course of your life”.  Even my Bible College days changed who I was, who I would share my life with, my children, grandchildren, and location of my future.

It is so important to see each day as His gift we give back to him.  Our youth need our guidance in all areas.


12:6 Remember your creator now while you are young, before the silver cord of life snaps and the golden bowl is broken.  

This describes how fragile life is and how death comes to us, how swiftly and unexpectedly we may return to the dust from which we came.  Life is our precious resource to be used wisely and not squandered frivolously. 

I have heard others say, “Life is like a dream” and “I cannot believe I am this old.”

  • We can waste our moments, days, and gifts.

I think our greatest desire should be, “Lord, don’t let me miss an opportunity today”.

  • We don’t recognize our true priorities until later in life.

Throughout this book, Solomon keeps saying; V8, “Everything is meaningless”.

What is your priority as a spiritual mom and dad in regard to youth?

What is your priority as a leader?  What is your priority to your family?

What is your priority toward your call?

 We go through many stages.  We feel called, we are excited and ready to take on any project, in our world. Then we get distracted and feel, this is too big for me.  Maybe I should look at things differently and we lose our goals and mission.  Our vision has been damaged.


12:13-14 Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty.  God will judge us for everything we do including every secret thing whether good or bad.

  • Keep your commitment. 

Easier said than done.  I remember a song, “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”.  I     know over these lessons; we have shared many practical ways to decide how to finish strong.

  • Know His commands.

We have His word and His commands to all and our individual commands for our tasks.  

Write these down and keep them in your heart and before you as your goals.  Then keep teaching our youth these commands!  

  • Keep the fear (reverence and respect) for God and to God.

As a child, I knew my parents had the “right” to discipline me with love.  Did I like it?  Absolutely not.  But our relationship gave me the respect to want to please them and make them proud of me.

As we love and honor Him, we develop that path of complete surrender and obedience even to loving and pleasing Him.  We can embrace the call and anointing!


Yes, it takes time, energy, and work to make lasting relationships especially with our children and youth.  It must be intentional.  Sometimes we feel “they are all over the place” and they are because of their energy.  But they will respond to love, concern, and care especially when we pray and intercede before we take those steps.  They are our most wonderful gifts!  Let us love them, train them, and take them by the hand.  If they fall, we will pick them up and we will walk this journey together! 


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