Leader’s Help Desk

Most of us don’t like to read “instruction manuals” and sometimes that leads to a mistake! I thank God for those who have spoken to my life through His Word, study, and experience. The dos and the don’ts. 

By listening, I’ve learned new methods, steps, and encouragement to not be weary in “His work” but keep going in my walk with Him and His plan. The “Leaders Help Desk” is where you and I can journey together. Both of us can be inspired and guided by the truths of this Help Desk. 

Remember Your Youth
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Remember Your Youth

The last few months we have gone through Ecclesiastes learning lessons from King Solomon. We are in the Christmas season and one of the wonderful blessings is to watch our children, grandchildren and children enjoy family, fun in giving and receiving gifts. The atmosphere changes when there are children and/or youth.  

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Sharpen Your Tools
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Sharpen Your Tools

In the work of God, sometimes we expect to build but we have not taken an inventory of our tools and we try to do the project alone without people to help us. They may come to help but if they do not know what to do and how to do the project, again we waste our time and their time. Maybe this is one of the most important lessons in this series. Do you recognize the right tools, and do you have them to get the job done? Let’s look at Ecclesiastes 10!

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My Reputation
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

My Reputation

It seems these days, people who are to be the most “looked up to” or admired are the “beautiful or handsome.” The most successful are those with fame and fortune. I think we worry too much, even as leaders, about “what we do”. WHO are we? What is Solomon telling us in Ecclesiastes 7?

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Attitude Checking
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Attitude Checking

Have you ever walked into a room and there was a person in that room that “lit up the room, it was like a light bulb went on” or you walked into a room, and it was like the light went out!? Our attitude affects us and everyone around us.

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Are We Content?
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Are We Content?

Let us take a hard look at the “us” in our ministry and answer these simple questions: Are we loyal, faithful, steady, and unmovable as we follow our commitment and calling? Or, are we using our ministry to be in the “public eye” and to advance in our lifestyle? Or, do we get our identity from what we do or who we are? Let’s explore Ecclesiastes 5 to answer these questions!

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Lesson 2 Part 1: Why Do We Do…What We Do?
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Lesson 2 Part 1: Why Do We Do…What We Do?

Having children in ministry causes us to give extra prayer for them and their work. My husband and I have prayed for years, “Lord, help them to be Humble in success and strong in adversity…”

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Searching As Found In Ecclesiastes
Wiliam Kliewer Wiliam Kliewer

Searching As Found In Ecclesiastes

I know “we all search’ and have many questions at different times in our lives. I stated three questions that I faced in my life many times. I will give thoughts, advice and hopefully answers to these and many more as we take this journey.

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