Lesson 2 Part 1: Why Do We Do…What We Do?

Having children in ministry causes us to give extra prayer for them and their work.  My husband and I have prayed for years, “Lord, help them to be Humble in success and strong in adversity”.  

ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING!  For the most part, I feel we give ourselves to others and our lives in service for the Kingdom.  Along the journey we have attitudes that requires us to have an “attitude check”. Perish the thought but could it be that I’m doing this to have a bigger church, applause and recognition?  If I accomplish more, I will be asked to speak, and more people will know who I am?  Perhaps, we might even pray the wrong prayer! “Lord, you know this if for you, but this will help me and my family, if I see the response and growth I want”.

BIGGER IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER! All of us think “Bigger is Better”.  And it can be!  Solomon found out “bigger” did not satisfy, and was not always “the answer for the moment”.  Of course, we know any thing healthy will “grow” but, Gods work must grow through prayer, work, and Humility.  Yes, we want to grow, win souls, but we must win, train, and discipline to have that “beautiful harvest” that God desires.  I’ve seen people who had a gift to get a crowd wherever they went.  But when they left, their crowd left. The crowd was not grounded, growing and steadfast in their faith “in Christ” but in “the leader”.

Solomon in chapter 2: …did some good things and “bigger was NOT always better”.  

  • Solomon 2:4: I tried to find meaning by building huge homes for myself, by planting beautiful vineyards.  

  • Solomon 2:9, 10:  So I became greater than all. (v 10) Anything I wanted, I would take.  I denied myself no pleasure.

Let’s remember…


    1. Psalm 127:1. Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is wasted.

    2. Do not make the mistake of leaving God out of His plans.  If you do, all our accomplishments will be futile.  We must make God our highest priority and let him do the building. 

      • Solomon asked for wisdom and He began with the right heart and motives, but he allowed success, pleasures, fame, and money to take him in the wrong direction.  

    3. We know there are two contributors.  Our Father has the design and His Sons and Daughters on earth follow that plan that is in heaven.

      • ILLUSTRATION: Beautiful vineyard. There were two men looking at a beautiful vineyard, the owner and a guest.  The guest said, “What a beautiful garden God has here”.  The owner said, “You should have seen it when he had it by himself”.  

    4. God’s plan for ministry must be sought in prayer and commitment to his voice.  Without this, we lean on our own understanding. He knows so many details (unseen forces) that changes everything and He receives the glory that way.


    1. I believe many have begun to build with dependence and humility but as we see progress, we become prideful. We can look in the word and know of examples who have fallen in ministry because of pride.

    2. Matthew 20:20-23: Jesus was going to be crucified and he was sharing with his disciples.  Then the mother of James and John ask a question: (v 21) In your kingdom, please let my two sons sit in places of honor next to you, one on your right and other on your left.  

    3. Even we as parents can want to see our children promoted and honored, but this desire is dangerous if it causes them to stand in the way of God’s specific will for their lives. As a mother, I want to see my children advance, and do much better than we did.  But there must be continual examination that our goals are His goals and that God’s will is always done.  

    4. Pride leads to destruction, meaningless pursuits, and unhappiness.

    5. We ended up in the driver’s seat instead of being the passenger.

    6. Ecclesiastes 2:17: I came to hate life, everything is meaningless.

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Lesson 2 Part 2: Why Do We Do What We Do?


Searching As Found In Ecclesiastes