Attitude Checking

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Have you ever walked into a room and there was a person in that room that “lit up the room, it was like a light bulb went on” or you walked into a room, and it was like the light went out!  Our attitude affects us and everyone around us.

I was a Bible Quiz Coach for fifteen years when my boys were at home.  Not only did we learn scripture, but we constantly had to have an Attitude Check.  Being in ministry, I have seen those who “made deposits” or “made withdrawals” in your life.  All of us have our tough times and trials but are we happy and trusting He is directing our steps?  We can be sad, and blaming ourselves, others and even God if we are not careful.

Solomon in Ecclesiastes 6: Shows us that having the right attitude about God helps us deal with present circumstances.  “Prosperity is not always good, and adversity is not always bad”.  God is good all the time and know He desires us to live being content with a good attitude.


V 9:  Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you do not have.  Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless-like chasing the wind.

This again comes from a man who has everything, wisdom, and wealth. 

However, with social media, advertisements and the wrong expectation or dreams, we can live our lives unhappy and unfulfilled.  

ILLUSTRATION:  I have heard it said, when we are small, we cannot wait till we are grown up and we can do things as we want.  When we grow up, then we cannot wait till graduation. Then we cannot wait till we get married.  We marry, then we cannot wait till we have that new home, our family, our career, more money, and more stability.  Then we cannot wait till our children are all grown up and in college, married. Then we cannot wait for retirement.  However, retirement does not feel or look like we thought it would.  I do not think there is such a thing as “riding off into the sunset”.  Then we are sad, our children are far away, and what do we do with our time?  It seems people do not know who they are and how to enjoy what they are doing.

Our lesson:  Enjoy today (everyday) and know we are not promised tomorrow.

Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

  • There will be days when the last thing we want to do is rejoice.

I have been in situations where I felt like a cloud was hovering our house.  I had been hurt by those that I thought were my biggest supporters.  I was facing a life and death situation with sickness. I had a problem looking at the problem that seemed so large!!  A problem is never bigger than our God.

  • We are never alone in these situations.  

Look at the Scripture and you will see from the beginning “there have been days like this”.  David in this Psalm knew these days.  When you do not feel like praise or rejoicing, tell God how you feel.

  • We make a choice to have the right attitude. 

 Psalm 34:1 I will praise the Lord at all times, I will constantly speak his praises.  I will not look at the PROBLEM but at the problem solver.  I will listen and be obedient in the most difficult situation.

  • Look and count your blessings.

Enjoy your health, your relationships, your call (your destiny, work) and know He is guiding each step.

  • Yes, dream, but today you pray, listen, and praise him for who He is and who He is creating you to be! 

 Have an attitude check and do not waste your time and your days!


V 6:10 Everything has been decided.  It was known long ago what each person would be.  

I know we “want to” think we are in control of our lives.  But God really is in control.  How foolish it is for us to contend with our Creator, who knows us and sees our future.

  • When I say “yes” to Him, I must have faith in HIM who gave the call.

When I said “yes” to the call, I knew little about the PLAN.  I begin to take the first step that He shows and then continue step by step, place by place, even project by project!  I think of all those called such as Abraham, David, and Joseph.  They said, “yes”, but it was years, and event after event getting to the place where they felt was “the Position, or the Place that would bring about what we would call the maximum fulfillment” or the destination.

For example, Joseph was seen as the Man who served His God and did what was right each day of the journey.  I believe he had to have many “attitude checks” especially when he was lied about and did nothing wrong.  

  • Trust our Father that He knows the end not just the journey.

In ministry, we made many decisions that we could not understand but knew the Holy Spirit was speaking.  Later, we could see the “divine plan”, and everything changed because of the plan.  Do not be discouraged, when all looks a mess; He is preparing you for what He has prepared you for and how to take you there.


6:10 - So there is no arguing with God about your destiny.

I love to make plans even if it is a special meal, a trip, or a conference.  I do all I can to make it a success and enjoyable.  This is not wrong if He is the center of our plans.

  • We cannot predict the future.

When we were created, we were created with a mind, will and emotions.  We do what we can, with his guidance and HE does what we cannot do!  It is always an attitude check, and our hearts completely surrendered to Him in all we do!  We cannot make our plans without knowing and following his plans as we are on the journey.

  • Our plans will change.

When did you have your journey all “mapped out” and guess what, it had to change, and it could be frustrating?  I wonder what David thought when his plans kept changing.  It seems that the throne was getting farther and farther away.  In fact, it can seem like His plan is falling apart but that is when we take another attitude check!  His plan is always the best.

  •  Use your measure of faith.

Use the faith God has given you with each step.  Your faith will grow as you take risks and trust.

We say, “hindsight is always better than foresight”.  This can be right when we see the solutions instead of the problems, when we see the victories instead of the battles, and we can say, I wish I had known then what I know now!  Well, we will continue to live by faith, believing and then seeing, trusting on the way to triumph and learn in every situation.  The good part, God, our Father, is the one who is in the driver’s seat.  When we take those curves, be sure to take the Attitude Check!  Enjoy the journey and share the story!

One last example, I thought of the Apostle Paul, a mighty Apostle and teacher.  But he ended up in prison for “doing what was right”.  Philippians 4:1-6 Always be full of joy in the Lord, I say it again, Rejoice.  Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do.  Paul’s attitude teaches us this important lesson.  Our inner attitude does not have to reflect our outward circumstances.  Paul was full of joy knowing he was not alone, his Lord, friend, and Savior was with him and in control.

PRAYER: Lord, let our every step be directed by you, let us hear your voice always and let us know “you have the Whole Picture for we know we only see in part”. We submit to you.

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