Are We Content?

Accompanying lesson video:

Ecclesiastics 5

Let us take a hard look at the “us” in our ministry and answer these simple questions:

  • Are we loyal, faithful, steady, and unmovable as we follow our commitment and calling?

  • Or, are we using our ministry to be in the “public eye” and to advance in our lifestyle? 

  • Or, do we get our identity from what we do or who we are?  

  • …it is serious business to say “yes” to our Father to work in His vineyard.

Eccl. 5:1 – “As you enter the house of God, keep your ears open and your mouth shut”.

He will speak, give us our assignment (not all at once) but He will enable that which we can do and be accountable for.

Our problem is sometimes we want to hear but we do all the talking.  When two people talk at once, it brings confusion.  Do you remember when you heard “His voice” and it changed your life forever – even your location and your way of life?  Listening must become a part of our “quiet times”.

As a “minister of the gospel”, I believe the following truths are simple but profound.

  1. DON’T MAKE RASH PROMISES. 5:2 – “Do not make rash promises”. Our emotions can be moving targets, so we need to wait, seek, listen, and make promises we understand and fulfill. 

  • Be driven by the Holy Spirit not by “your emotions”. Emotions are unpredictable, at best they are pointers not directions.

  • Follow through with your promises. V 4 – When you make a promise to God, do not delay in following through, for God takes no pleasure in fools.

    1. Specific Examples

      1. 1. If you promise to call back or talk to someone, keep your promise. None of us like to be “stood up”.  

      1. 2. I thought I had a date but there was a “no show”.  How many times have we promised our congregation, friends and even family, “something”? It may have been just “another call on your list” but to that other person it was “so important”.  After waiting, it was an untruth to them, and you lost some credibility in their eye!

      2. 3. Every Promise, call, note, date or whatever…Just Do It! If you can’t, then let the person know and usually they are fine with that! 5:7 Talk is cheap.  We must say what we mean and mean what we say.

  • Here is an illustration. I will never forget a story that I heard and now I share in my family classes.  A minister was very busy as a Pastor and doing many community outreaches. He did not spend much time with his family and especially his teenage son who began to be rebellious.  One week the father told his son…“This Saturday we will go fishing”.  The son planned and dreamed all week of going fishing.  On Saturday morning, he heard his dad talking on the phone and telling the person, “Sure, I’ll speak at your breakfast.  I am sorry the other person couldn’t show up”.  Out the door he went, and he did not even remember his promise to his son.  You can guess, the boy got more rebellious and did not believe his dad when he made a promise.  Sure, there are emergencies that come up, but if the father would have remembered his promise and said to the son, “I am so sorry, I cannot go today but let’s make another time to go fishing” the boy would have had faith in his dad and been very forgiving.  How many times do we make promises to people and not even remember them?  Keep a list!!! That does help with our busy life.

  • It is better not to make a vow and break it!

    2. BE CONTENT WITH WHAT YOU HAVE! This does not mean, we do not continue to build, improve, and have dreams.  This contentment must be “the right attitude”. Psalms 62:10 “If your wealth increases, don’t make it the center of your life”.

    1. If we spend our lives seeking after money, we never find happiness. 5:10 – Those who love money will never have enough. This scripture was written by the wealthiest man who had “all and more” than he needed or wanted.  These are his statements:

  • Others will want to help you spend it.

  • Money will slip through your fingers and be gone.

  • Money is not wrong, but love of money will lead to all sorts of sin.

  • Money in itself will never be enough.


    1.  Little, Small or Great, they are all a Gift from God

5:19 - It is a good thing to receive wealth from God and good health to enjoy it.  To enjoy your work and accept your lot in life, this is indeed a gift from God.

Proverbs 21:31 The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.  God will accomplish his purposes, and he will be able to use you and give you the victory if we have done our part be being prepared.

  1. Lessons on Finances. We have studied and taught about money and possessions, and how to take what we have and multiply it for us and the Kingdom.  Sometimes we are so afraid that we will look like a failure if we are going through a tough place or need help.  I encourage you again to go to someone who has been successful in their lives and ask advice. There are those who are “gifted, creative and even trained” in the areas of finances that can help us.

  2. Illustration:  My husband and I went to a Christian Financial planner!  We did not have much, but he showed us how to take “the little” and make it grow.  My husband worked and gave his life in ministry for over 55 years.  He wanted me and his family to be taken care of.  I always say, “We don’t live for just today (in our walk and actions)”.  I have seen many ministers who felt they lived for today and God would take care of them.  “He was taking care of them” and with some help, that harvest would be what they could share even in their later years.

  3. Personal: I know I am talking about personal matters.  There were seasons where we were “strapped”, and it was complete trust for everything.  There were times, I worked outside our home and church to help meet our needs.  It was a week by week, almost a meal by meal! But God proved himself, and even our boys have many testimonies of how they learned God’s faithfulness.  Keep being faithful in all He has given you. He has your best interest! We must believe God desires to bless us.

    • Believe God desires to bless you.   5:18 – It is good for people to eat, drink and enjoy their work under the sun during the short life God has given them. Walk in each season in prayer, learning from your experiences but in faith that God knows you, your sacrifice, and how to bless you in your (His) journey! James 1:17 Every Good and Perfect gift comes from God. 

“God’s shovel is always bigger than mine”.  I Timothy 6:19 Teach those who are rich or have money:  They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others.  Give to him your love, time, energy and be generous to Him, His kingdom, and others.  You will see His Blessings in many ways.  We will have “what we need” and even many of “our desires”. Let us walk in His contentment, enjoying each day, our journey from moment to moment.

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