Two is Better than One

2 + 2 = Can Equal 5 or More 

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Growing up, I was in a pastor’s home and I never knew my dad to have a mentor (someone to help him in his journey).  He did not become a Christian till in his late thirties while in the military.  We say “experience is the best teacher” but I am not sure if I believe that statement.  If there would have been minister’s retreats, mentors and spiritual fathers he could have learned, considered alternate ideas and been accountable to learn new methods.  

Solomon said, “I did this, and all was meaningless…this did not work”.  

People are people, and have many of the same needs.  Methods change because of situations and the times.  We are not all in the same Box and we have different talents, abilities and even assignments.

Ecclesiastes 4: This is a case of a man who is all alone.  

  • 7: I observed yet another example of something meaningless under the sun.

  • 9: This is the case of a man who is all alone…

  • 9-12: Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help.  But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm.  But how can one be warm alone?  A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated but two can stand back-to-back and conquer.  Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken


  • V 9: For they can help each other succeed.

Sometimes we are in a situation where we are far away in distance and it is difficult to develop friendships and get the help we need.  Thank God for technology today to communicate.

Today there is no excuse that we do ministry alone!  We are aware of people who are Bishops, Leaders, and Pastors who are willing to come along side us.  There are great writers, seminars, conferences and we can get the help we need.

  1. Do what it takes to be mentored by someone who can be a spiritual father or mother. 

    • It is so easy to do things “our way” and we do not realize how things can change by learning what has been tried, failed and succeeded. 

    • God will lead you to the right person.

  2. You be a mentor and share what you have learned.  That is how we GROW.


  • V10-12: We have protection. For they can stand back to back and conquer.   


  1. Life/ministry is designed for companionship, not isolation for intimacy not loneliness. 

    • Some feel they cannot trust anyone and we may get hurt.  I have been  hurt and betrayed, but I’ve had the companionship and mentoring that helped me go to another level.  It is so much easier when you have support and prayers.  There will be offenses, but we cannot walk in fear!

    • We are not here to serve ourselves but to serve God and others.

    • We learn from others.

  2. As our example, Paul and Timothy were a team.  

    • Paul was the teacher and Timothy was the student.  God is for “being on a team”.  You receive, you give, and it happens over and over again. This is multiplication, growth and even explosion.

  3. Remember to begin your team building with your family. 

    • Not every pastor’s wife will play the piano, or be a speaker.  To take care of the “man of God” and their family is the most important job!  Two in spirit, two in prayer, two in purpose and plans will always succeed.  

  4. Involve your children!

    • Our boys started playing drums, bass guitar, and piano…learning on the congregation. They always felt “this is our church”.  These are my family and they learned the good and the difficult lessons along the way.


  • 4:12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated but two can stand back-to-back and conquer.  Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

  1. Build your team.  

    • This is so important.  In our early years, we did every job in the church from Sunday School teacher, to music director and youth minister.

    • This can be OK for a time but our main focus is to: Pray; Learn; Teach; and Train others for the ministry.

    • Maybe you feel inadequate.  That is okay unless we let inadequacy rule.  When we realize God calls, we answer, and he will equip us for the task.  Remember when you preached your first sermon, you probably shook in your shoes.  My greatest fear was being in front of a camera.  Now God is helping me share these truths with you!

    • We make this too hard!  Look at your vision, dream big!!!  

    • You may feel like you are TOO SMALL AND JUST STARTING OUT.  Start where you are.  Who do you want to reach in your village, community?

    • For example, we always want to reach the children – who could be over the Children’s ministry, reaching and teaching on their level?

    • Another example, Youth are the life of the church when on fire with passion for God.  Who can reach your Youth and establish them in those tough but exciting years?

    • What about Pastoral care?  I know my husband would visit everyone in the hospital who had surgery or were sick.  It was okay in the beginning but then he began running from town to town, spending so much time on the road.  Yes, it was important, but He still could care and pray but have another go as His extension!

    • However, you do not have to train this “huge team” in the beginning.

    • START WITH ONE BY ONE.  Have that one come along side you and choose the one that will meet your greatest need at the time!!!!

    • Find someone who is teachable, loyal, a prayer partner and pour into them.


    • TAKE THAT PERSON “ON THE JOB’ TRAINING (It doesn’t have to be in a classroom).  If you want to train someone in pastoral care, take that person with you to visit the sick, needy and let them see what and how you minister in this area.  They are with you.  Then let them minister as they have seen you minister and you be with them.  You are releasing them to do the job and then they will do that same thing to someone else that you have done for them.  That is growth and multiplication.

  2. God will place the right people in your flock for your team.

I have a pastor friend who has a very large church and he wrote a book, THE MIRACLE IS IN YOUR HOUSE.  He shared how many times we have the “help”, the “team” that can help us fulfill our vision, but we do not see people and their potential.  Those in your house will know your heart and your vision!  Start where you are, one by one, teach, train, love and walk together.

  • He will call them, and then with your love and training they can reach their full potential and HOLD UP YOUR ARMS!

    1. That means to me: they take the job I was doing and they will add their personality and gifts and take it where I could not.  I could not give that job my full and undivided attention.

    2. They catch your vision and begin to pray, serve and make things happen that you could never make happen. You can only do as much as your energy and time allows you to do.

    3. I can stand back to back, hand in hand in the good and difficult times, in war or in peace.  We learn from each other and gain new strength.

I know many of you have a team. I pray these words will encourage you to choose, add to, and get those who will make that difference to you and your ministry,

Don’t isolate yourself and try to do it alone.  Maybe it is harder for my generation to use this principle.  But I have found out, we must get out of our box and begin to Seek companions, create a team, and be a member of that team!

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