“Let’s Stop”


This is the craziest thing to say “Let’s Stop”, especially at this time of year. We have shopping, programs, wrapping, visiting and the list goes on and on. I know we have forty people in our families, and it can be very busy. I am going to share some practical steps from my heart as a mama and grandma. 

Read Luke 1:26-38 “Greetings favored woman, the Lord is with you.  You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus. This good news will bring joy for everyone everywhere.”

STOP: Let’s break this word down and see how this can be possible.

1. S - STOP/STAY. This must be intentional.  

When you stop, at a red light, it is intentional. How easy it is to go through our days without stopping for a few moments to “stay or be quiet and dwell on this Jesus”. As we stay before Him, He will listen to our frustrations, concerns and give us the strength needed for each situation and moment.

I believe this “S” could mean submit to His thoughts, ways, and guidance. He said, “Cast all your cares on me and He always answers our cry and comes to our rescue.” I understand how hurried and busy we can be; but I must intentionally stop, stay close to Him, and submit to Him. 

2. T – TALK. Sometimes we get so busy we don’t have time to talk and communicate with the right people. 

TALK to yourself and see what needs to change in “you”. Reflect and it is okay to ask for help. TALK to our Lord, tell him “All about everything.” Knowing He understands takes so much pressure off us.

TALK to your families and friends. Always demonstrate gentleness and generous love even to those who “try your patience.” Sometimes those who are the closest to us are hurting the most.  We can take so much for granted.  We can give nice gifts but what means more is being aware of their needs and listening. These can be the greatest gifts.  They might need more than a “text” or an “emoji”. Maybe what is most important is spending some quality time.

TALK to people you meet. We can move in and out of people’s lives so quickly and maybe they need a smile, a kind remark, or a hug. Can we believe God puts “those” before us who need us to speak into their lives?  Be especially sensitive at this season.

3. O – OPEN. Open can take on a new meaning.

OPEN your ears and listen with your heart not just your ears. 

OPEN your eyes and see those in need and are hurting.  It is so great to have programs to meet the needs but perhaps you could take a moment to care and share.

OPEN your heart to our Lord and what He wants for you! Luke 2:10 – “Mary kept all these things in her heart and thought about them often.  

This word stop can mean so much and opening our hearts can change everything and any situation especially when He is at work.

4. P - PRAY AND PRAISE. I know we can pray and even praise “on the run” and this can help us through the days! But again, if we STOP and have that quiet time to PRAY over our decisions, our visits, and ask our Father what He wants us to do it can change lives.  God will give you the open window to share!

I know PRAISE takes us to another level in our walk with the Lord. Even when we have so much good that is happening, there can be moments we don’t know what to do and how we will get it “all done”.  PRAISE Him for His goodness and blessings every day. There are many! Stand on His promises!  When you make His promises yours, you will break forth in PRAISE!  His words never fail.

CONCLUSION: I know you have heard this many times, but I wanted to share my heart about Stopping, Talking, Opening, Praying and Praising.  This is a reminder of how important these are in our lives and especially in these busy times. 

I pray you have a wonderful time with the Lord, with your families and friends. As you go into the New Year, these steps will still work!!!  They are so practical but can make a big difference in our lives!!!  

Karen Ming

Christmas, 2023


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