Life or Death

As a leader, I have been thinking about how at times we lose our perspective on “True Life”.  We can go through each day going through the motions even dreading what we must do. Even as Christ followers and leaders, at times we need to reevaluate, “am I living my life to the fullest or have I allowed myself to speak and think death over my dreams?” We lose our joy and live far below our privileges.

We can begin excited about the assignment and challenge. Then things happen and we can feel guilty over past mistakes which can make us feel “we are not good enough”. I can feel I am not adequate for this task. That is what we say, what does God say?

Romans 8 is one of my favorite scriptures and Paul categorizes those who are dominated by their sinful nature and those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit. All of us would be in the first category if Jesus had not offered us a way out.  Once we say Yes to Jesus, we will want to continue allowing Him control which gives us life abundantly, a way of life and peace.  Even in the toughest situations, we know we have our new life in Christ and will not be shaken.  He is more than enough.

Perhaps you have begun your journey and have not been taught how to be more than a conqueror.  Perhaps you get overwhelmed quickly with life situations and do not discover how to center your life on God and what He has for you.

I have struggled at times feeling defeated for the moment but thank God for His word and His Holy Spirit is always there to assure we can be empowered. Acts 1:8; Romans 12:6. Let’s look at Romans 8. How can we have His life?


Verse 1 So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life, union with Jesus.

A. Accept that those who are in Christ Jesus cannot be condemned.

We are talking about life or death. This is a choice. Humans are on death row justly condemned for breaking God’s laws. Without Jesus we would have no hope. Daily we should be grateful for His sacrifice and that pays for our new life.

B. Our freedom is so we can serve Him and others.

I love ministry, I love serving. Of course, sometimes it is stressful and overwhelming. But His price was for me so I can give to others the good news of Gods Plan.

     When we are grateful, we always focus on Him and not ourselves.


Verse 3 For the law of the Spirit of life flowing through the anointing of Jesus has liberated us from the law of sin and death. Verse 9 But you are not controlled by your sinful nature but by the Spirt living in you.

God’s son gave His body to be the sin offering so that God could once and for all condemn the guilt and power of sin.

A. Animal sacrifices showed the seriousness of sin.

Blood had to be shed before sins could be forgiven. Leviticus 17:11. I have always felt I had a teachable spirit and loved learning. However, the more I learn, the more I need to learn. I can move forward in the call and plan for my life. He paid the price and sacrificed everything.

B. His way brings life and peace not death.

When our Father gives us plans, He only gives us “part of the plan”. We are still walking by faith, trusting when we obey, God shows us the next step. It is like climbing one step higher and one step is built on the last step. He is with you each step because he orders those steps.

I encourage you; this is a heart issue.  Repent, accept his love and forgiveness! You can walk led by the precious Holy Spirit in whatever you face in His life and peace.


When you have sincerely trusted in Christ for your salvation and acknowledged Him as Lord; you can be assured you have the Holy Spirit within. You are never alone in your journey and His plan is always best. 

A. This is a promise.

Today, promises are broken daily but when God gives a promise, His promises will be today and forever.  He walks with you each day guiding your every decision.  As a leader this is our greatest hope.

B. He gives instructions.

How can we have His control?

*Daily we consciously choose to center our life on God.
*Use the bible to discover God’s guidelines and then follow them. 

*In every perplexing situation, ask yourself, what would Jesus want me to do? *When the Holy Spirit points out what is right, do it eagerly. 

Don’t be afraid to ask the right people for help.

C. Enjoy the journey.

Sometimes this must be very intentional, but this is what God wants. As we have His mindset, in His presence is fullness of joy.


In leadership, there are so many questions and plans, but God has planned our success.  I didn’t say there wouldn’t be moments of anxiety, but God is in the driver’s seat when we become the passenger. You can be led in your choices and walk in His freedom as you move from one brighter level of glory to glory. 2 Corinthians 3:18

You are never alone; He is your guide and helper.  I suggest you read and study Romans 8 and allow His Holy Spirit to continue to guide you.

As I stated above, enjoy the journey.  We will continue to share lessons on our journey and answers to freedom in the Holy Spirit.


The Real You


“Let’s Stop”