Stand Beside Me

This month I am going to especially talk to you women, or mates that stand beside your leader companions. This does not mean you are not leaders in your own right, but many could feel like they are in second place or maybe have no place. We look at pastor’s wives, leader’s wives, maybe some co-pastors or leaders but being behind the scenes they are in the spotlight. That seems good but it can be very difficult. Yes, we walk beside that man or woman of God or in leadership, “the called” who gets the applause and standing ovation and we are glad but can feel left out. I have walked that path.

There were times love and appreciation could be so rewarding but I’ve been there when my mate had a heart that was broken because of jealousy or hurtful statements. I’ve been there when the decisions were too many and seemed too difficult. There was too much to carry.  It seemed “everything was dependent on what they did, what they said, or how they responded.” I saw the sleepless nights, the pacing back and forth, no appetite and I even tried to help carry the big load.

That was difficult but I did not have all the information, then I had the load of my own taking care of our precious little ones, the home, and the schedule. All could seem mundane just another day or week. I wanted to fight back for my husband or mate; he was a great man, and he did not deserve what was said or done.  They should see how much he had sacrificed for God and them. But I could not say what I wanted to say. Maybe that was good because I could have spoken more than was necessary.

You have your own place and calling. Maybe you got married and you weren’t aware of God’s calling that would be revealed later. If we believe God ordered our steps, then we know we are the beautiful partner to walk by the woman or man of God. WE ARE NOT BORN LEADERS! Yes, we have gifts that God has placed within us, but those gifts must be developed. My three sons are great men of God, and each have gifts of preaching, teaching, song writing and worship leading. But I remember when we paid $7.50 each for piano lessons when we budgeted money for food. God helped us; He knew why we were doing that! Those gifts had to be developed.

We all have our stories to tell.  I was a minister’s daughter, but I would say, “there will be a time I can share, and I want to fulfill God’s call whatever that is.” God was ready to love me, teach me and walk through over 50 years in that second place or standing beside His calling. I became an adult teacher two months after we were married.  Did I know all the answers, no. But I was teachable, and God took me by the hand. This started the process of teaching and sharing all those years. I did not know my husband would have cancer for over a period of 17 years. Many times, I would teach his classes, meet with people, go to the hospital, and pray and help people. I wanted him to look good.  We had faith we were in God’s will, and He would live and not die, and God blessed us for those 17 years.

Here are some important things to remember in this calling:


John 15:16-17 You didn’t choose me, but I’ve chosen and commissioned you to go into the world to bear fruit. And your fruit will last, because whatever you ask of my Father, for my sake; He will give it to you. So, this is my parting command: Love one another deeply.

You are His creation and for “such a time as this”. There are so many ways you are giving to family first and then others. Our first responsibility is to raise Godly children who raise godly children. You are unique and no one has your thumbprint.

Accept what He says about you, speak positive words and His words over your life and family.  It sounds simple but difficult when people can discourage and put you down.


Proverbs 16:9 Within your heart you can make plans for your future, but the Lord chooses the “STEPS” you take to get there.

As we learn on our journey of faith, the Holy Spirit will always be with us to affirm and let us know what needs to be done. Yes, we are accountable to others but first please Him and He will direct your steps. Do not make it harder than it is. 


Ephesians 5:15-17 So be very careful how you live, not being like those with no understanding, but live honorably with true wisdom, for we are living in evil times. Take full advantage of EVERY DAY as you spend your life for his purposes. And don’t live foolishly for then you will have discernment to fully understand God’s will.

We walk together with our mates, with our family, and draw strength from them. Listen to them, pray with them, work with them and then you will be ready for the task.  We have heard it said, “God does not call the equipped, he equips the called.” I learned each day; each year and He was always there to help me!  He will not fail us.


Ephesians 3:20 Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this.  He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination.

We serve a God of the possible. All things are possible with Him, but we must submit to his will, listen to his instructions and He and you will do more than you could ever imagine.


So, to my special women and/or mates, I want to encourage you.

You are joined together in the good and difficult times. Plan together, laugh together and make each day good even when it’s tough. Have “your time” even if it is a short time to just share (I mean heart to heart). This sounds too good to be true but do your best.

Keep your heart right. I found when my heart was right (I had my quiet time with my heavenly father), I treated my husband and family differently.  I carried a different spirit toward others, and those who had hurt us. It can be done.

Enjoy the journey. There will be difficult times. I worked ten years seasonally packing fruit on a belt. We needed that income to remain in full time ministry. Dreadful but my quiet time was 2:00 a.m. in my car at lunch time. After that I could walk back and do the last half!

Know who you are in Christ.  Know He has the plan daily. And know He cares about what you care about! You and God are a majority and winners.

You are in the BEST PLACE when you are walking in HIS PLACE.



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