I Will Bless The Lord

We read scriptures and they sound so good, and we believe them BUT at times in our lives, they are the very words we build and hold onto each day.  This scripture is perhaps one that changes our perspective, our attitude and how we live more than any other in this season.  I pray it will change your life like it has changed mine.

I pay attention to who gives a speech or testimony and why they would give such words.  Let’s look at an overview of David who wrote Psalm 34.

  • David was chosen and anointed to be the next King.

  • When Samuel, the prophet made the announcement, “This is the one”; no one knew he would have to wait twenty years to see this happen.

  • He would be rejected by his own family and would have to run from a King who became jealous of His/God’s accomplishments in his life.

  • He lost his best friend.

  • He was in prison, in caves and in the wilderness.  He spent lonely years and decades in exile.

  • He found courage in God after sinning saying, “I have sinned”. 

  • We hear his “lows” and “highs” throughout the Psalms, but God knew his heart and called him “A man after my own heart.”

  • His journey was like no other, but he knew His God and kept reaching out to him!

There have been many books written about King David, his life, his sins, his dysfunctional but repentant heart.  Let’s look at Psalm 34 and see why we can apply this each day.


In our world today, it is all about me (what I have, how I look, and what I do). We have a selfish society and again it is what I have or don’t have and how I can enjoy life.  This can become a philosophy in the body of believers. If I get the position, then I am okay, If I am loved, then I am okay, if I am appreciated, then I am okay, and if people listen, then I am okay. But let’s take our responsibility “I” have a choice.  This is a good thing.

A.    David had a call but realized it would not just happen.

I always think after the anointing ceremony, David went back to the sheep and his job.


B.      Keep listening.

A new day means new problems and new answers.  David had one big victory when he killed Goliath, but this had a very definite purpose.

Your giants will be different, but God will help you win in many ways.

 2. I WILL.

I must do this. I will decide, I will choose, I have a choice of what I do!

A.     This must be on-going.

I will be very candid with you. I can feel sorry for myself.  Most of my children live far away, and I can have the wrong expectations.  I can feel alone at times and be anxious or worry about life now.

My precious mom was godly and wonderful but very negative because of things that had happened to her.  I decided as a young adult, I will not live my life like that!  I make the choice to speak positive; to walk in faith and enjoy what God gives me.  Do I fail, yes, but I know again I have the choice.

B.      I will bless (praise) the Lord.

It is difficult to praise and complain at the same time!  It is like Bitter and sweet coming out the same time!!!

However, David’s declaration seems unrealistic to one who knows how he struggled in his life. In fact, David wrote this psalm at perhaps the lowest point in his life.  He was alone.  He had to part from Jonathan, his dearest friend.  He was being chased by Saul and his paid assassins.  He had run to hide in the cave of Adullam (meaning “their prey”). This is a lesson for all of us.

How can one continually bless (praise) the Lord even when life is filled with hardship and grief?

What does “bless” mean in this Psalm?

The word, “bless” means “barak, or kneel down or adore with bended knees.” David is saying that he will kneel before the Lord, worship, adore, praise, obey and love the Lord.

He knew that ALL his power and position came from the almighty.

He was the most famous earthly king but knew why and what he did came from God and his plan and love. God will always lead us!


Many Psalms are full of anger and confusion, and one must not take “continually” to mean 24 hours a day or 7 days a week.

A.     Under any circumstances, good or bad.

God is still good, still glorious even when life is a struggle.  As we build that on-going relationship; it is so much easier to praise even when it is difficult.  He is always worthy of praise.

B.     Many Psalms begin with David in trouble, but he prays and reflects on finding hope and peace.

The more we learn this, the bigger God becomes, and the problem becomes smaller (I didn’t say changed at that moment).

Praise brings His presence and all changes in His presence.

C.     David’s praise is internal and external, individual, and corporate.

David makes his boast in the Lord and invites us to join Him. David calls His people to praise Him.

 D.    David was flawed, he fell short, but He remembered to turn to His God!

How do we bless the Lord in good and bad?

*Our choice, Our thoughts, Our words, and Our actions.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, giving thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.


I have been a Christian, Pastor, Teacher and I cannot accomplish any of this in my own power. It is our choice daily to confess, repent and remember what Christ did for us and trust Him for His peace, joy and power each day.

Maybe you will need to write this scripture on a card or paper as a reminder every morning, noon, and night – you have a choice to bless our Lord and receive His peace and joy. The battlefield is the mind, and we can control our thoughts and say what David said, “I will bless (praise) the Lord at all times (good or bad); His praise will continually be in my mouth.”


How Do I Accept?