One Chance

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Life goes so quickly, maybe not to the youth, but the older we are, it seems to fly by.  Even if we live to be “old” it seems there are things we wish we could have done.  But we have ONE LIFE and one big CHANCE to change our world.

In our world, we constantly must guard our thoughts to accomplish His plans in our lives.  We know our thoughts become our actions and then our actions become our “life habits”.  We can say “this world is not our home” but we are so influenced in our thoughts so many times.  We live in our world 24/7 and our thoughts can be “by chance” or we renew and follow the “mind of Christ”.  Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 8:1 – How wonderful to be wise, to analyze things.


Many things can change our perspective.  To name a few:  Rejection, criticism, loss, discouragement, hurt, sickness and despair.  What we do when these happen, determines our perspective.  

Wisdom is the ability to see life from God’s perspective and then to know the best course of actions to take.  We know wisdom is valuable but how do we receive it? 

  1. The Fear of the Lord (respect and honor) is the beginning of wisdom.

  2. As we “know” and trust our Father, we receive his wisdom.

  3. We must live in His power and in His word.

  4. Knowledge today is plentiful, but wisdom especially Godly wisdom is scarce and comes only from God.

Illustration:  Even in ministry, there are many philosophies, ways and methods to build a church or ministry.  Some will declare, “you must have small groups” and I have seen this bring “big growth”.  Others will say, “have big outreaches” and I have seen this also bring great growth.  I believe “you are the only one” to determine God’s perspective to move forward in your city, and community: 

  1.  He does have a plan

  2.  Keep learning

  3.  Don’t be afraid to get out of the box and try new methods

  4.  Know God wants growth (anything healthy will have growth)

  5.  Your number of people is never enough when there are people who are lost without a Savior and friend.

We must know how to win people, but the hardest part is to know how to keep them and disciple them.  I am not a pastor now, but I know there is always more, a better plan or way.  I must have His perspective (through prayer) plus the help and methods to reach my Harvest.


Ecclesiastes 9:1-9 We all have the same destiny eventually which is death.  But until then:

  1.  Enjoy life always as God’s gift.

Solomon talks of us enjoying our mate, our family and all gifts God has given to us.  Sometimes I think “we think” the grass is greener on the other side (in a different location or situation).  But the grass must be mowed on the other side.

The future is uncertain for all of us, but we have the call (the chance) to change our world.  As I look back, I couldn’t understand why God always took us to troubled churches.  I still do not have all the answers because it was difficult at times, but God will provide when He guides.  Wow, what we learned in our journey and memories will be forever in our hearts. 

  1.  You have the choice to develop good relationships beginning in your home.

We know good marriages do not just happen or godly children grow up to make good homes!  This takes lots of work.  I hate to say sometimes, “ministry homes have very troublesome families”.

Take classes on marriage and family from godly leaders who have been successful in their homes!  We do learn from one another.  

Proverbs 27:17 Iron does sharpen iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.  A meeting of minds can see their ideas with new clarity, refine them and shape them into brilliant insights. This requires partners who can challenge one another, stimulate thought to help each other become sharper.  Be around those who have godly principles about family and ministry.


Ecclesiastes 9:1-9 People can never predict when hard times might come.

The strongest and fastest does not always win.  The wise can be poor and people can call life unfair.

  • The world is finite, sin has twisted life, and this is not God’s plan.

Solomon explains what happens in an imperfect word.  Again, let’s get God’s perspective.

  • Depend on God’s plan and grace.

I believe what happens to us as we are following Him, He will give us the grace and ability to walk through even the toughest situation.

  • Bad things happen to good people.

God is always “Good” and guides us to the next step.  We may be down, depressed, and feel defeated but we rise up in His power and victory.

I have learned if I put all my expectation in “people”, I am so let down!  I am sure I’ve let someone down but let us put our expectations in Him.  Expect He is reaching out to lift you up and carry you as you get “his perspective” again.

When Peter looked at the waves and began to sink, he did not have enough faith to keep the right perspective, but Jesus reached out His hand and pulled Him back into the boat.  Jesus is always there to help you get back on course.

Again, let’s see from God’s perspective!  Let us see His view and His plan.  We have one life to live to change our world day by day, moment by moment, one action at a time, and one prayer at a time.  Then watch your expectations.  I think we keep learning these points daily.  



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